

姓    名:徐大伟

性    别:男

单    位:安徽农业大学威尼斯569vip游戏








1. 2020/08-至今,威尼斯569vip游戏,特任副教授

2. 2016/11-2020/08,上海交通大学,生物学,博士后

3. 2011/09–2016/11,上海交通大学,生物学,博士

4. 2008/09–2011/07,中国农业科学院植物保护研究所/安徽农业大学,植物病理学,硕士

5. 2004/07-2008/03,安徽农业大学,植物保护,学士





1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目31900611),整合素蛋白DPW3控制水稻花粉壁发育机理,2020/01-2022/12主持;

2. 中国博士后科学基金2017M611545FG-GAP蛋白调控水稻花药发育机理研究,2017/06-2018/12,主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31670309),水稻花粉外壁纹饰特征建立关键基因的功能分析,2017/01-2020/12,参与;

4. 国际(地区)合作与交流项目(31711530708),温度胁迫对水稻和拟南芥雄性生殖系统的影响分析,2018/01-2019/12,参与


1. Dawei Xu*#, Palash Chandra Mondol#, Muhammad Uzair, Matthew R. Tucker, Dabing Zhang. Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic Transformation, Transgenic Production, and Its Application for the Study of Male Reproductive Development in Rice, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2020, doi: 10.3791/61665.

2. Dawei Xu#; Palash Chandra Mondol#; Sumie Ishiguro; Jianxin Shi; Dabing Zhang; Wanqi Liang*. NERD1 is required for primexine formation and plasma membrane undulation during microsporogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, aBIOTECH, 2020, doi.org/10.1007/s42994-020-00022-1.

3. Palash Chandra Mondol#; Dawei Xu#; Lei Duan; Jianxin Shi; Canhua Wang; Xiaofei Chen; Mingjiao Chen; Jianping Hu; Wanqi Liang*; Dabing Zhang*. Defective Pollen Wall 3 (DPW3), a novel alpha integrin-like protein, is required for pollen wall formation in rice, New Phytologist, 2019, doi.org/10.1111/nph.16161.

4. Dawei Xu; Shuying Qu; Matthew R. Tucker; Dabing Zhang; Wanqi Liang; Jianxin Shi*. Ostkpr1 functions in anther cuticle development and pollen wall formation in rice, BMC Plant Biology, 2019, doi.org/10.1186/s12870-019-1711-4.

5. Dawei Xu; Jianxin Shi; Carsten Rautengarten; Li Yang; Xiaoling Qian; Muhammad Uzair; Lu Zhu; Qian Luo; Gynheung An; Fritz Waßmann; Lukas Schreiber; Joshua L. Heazlewood; Henrik Vibe Scheller; Jianping Hu; Dabing Zhang; Wanqi Liang*. Defective Pollen Wall 2 (DPW2) Encodes an Acyl Transferase Required for Rice Pollen Development, Plant Physiology, 2017.01, 173(1): 240~255.

6. Muhammad Uzair; Dawei Xu; Lukas Schreiber; Jianxin Shi; Wanqi Liang; Ki-Hong Jung; Mingjiao Chen; Zhijing Luo; Yueya Zhang; Jing Yu; Dabing Zhang*. PERSISTENT TAPETAL CELL 2 is required for normal tapetal programmed cell death and pollen wall patterning, Plant Physiology, 2020.02,182(2):962-976. doi: 10.1104/pp.19.00688.

7. Jing Yu; Zhaolu Meng; Wanqi Liang; Smrutisanjita Behera; Jörg Kudla; Matthew R. Tucker; Zhijing Luo; Mingjiao Chen; Dawei Xu; Guochao Zhao; Jie Wang; Siyi Zhang; Yu-Jin Kim; Dabing Zhang*. A Rice Ca2+ binding protein is required for tapetum function and pollen formation, Plant Physiology, 2016.11,172(3): 1772-1786.

8. Xiaolei Zhu; Jing Yu; Jianxin Shi; Takayuki Tohge; Alisdair R. Fernie; Sagit Meir; Asaph Aharoni; Dawei Xu; Wanqi Liang*. The polyketide synthase OsPKS2 is essential for pollen exine and Ubisch body patterning in rice, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2017.9.8, 59(9): 612~62.

9. Yehui Xiong; Hongmei Zeng; Yuliang Zhang; Dawei Xu; Dewen Qiu*. Silencing the HaHR3 Gene by Transgenic Plant-mediated RNAi to Disrupt Helicoverpa armigera Development, International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2013.4.23, 9(4): 370~381.